Server Time:
Server Status:
Launch date:
19Th May 2023
Terms of Service and Conditions

1- This Service is only available to users over the age of 13. Please do not sign up for this Service if you are under the age of 13. You express that you are this age or older if you register for this Service.

2- Staff members may review any content you make available through the Service. Please do not submit anything that you consider private or confidential.

3- You agree not to use the Service as a means to publish content that is hateful, abusive threatening, defamatory, offensive, inappropriate or illegal. You are solely liable for the content and any harm that results from it.

4- Donating to support this Service is not obligatory and does not condition the Service quality in any way. Donations are non-refundable.

5- We reserve the right to remove or change any content you submit, without the obligation to provide a reason.

6- We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Service or part of our Service at any time, without the obligation to provide prior notice.

7- We reserve the right to use and/or publish anything you publish through our Service. We will not, however, claim copyright over it.

8- By registering to our Service you consent to the above terms. These terms may change at any time. Any changes will be announced accordingly.

9- PW Mayhem Server Information:

  • Servers may be temporarily unavailable during maintenance and updates.
  • Daily automated Game Server maintenance is scheduled at 7 AM server time and typically lasts around 5 minutes.
  • In the event of a major issue, such as extensive bug abuse or database damage, a game server rollback may be implemented.